Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hair Cut :)

Don't you love it when people don't blog forever, and then post a ton in one day :)

So... I chopped off my hair!! Like a month ago....
But I took off almost a foot :)
I still have the hair in my possession, but I plan on sending it on to locks of love when I get the chance.

Roller Derby

A few weeks ago, a friend who.... an interesting guy announced that he wanted my roommates and I to go to a mystery event. He refused to say what exactly we were going to, only that the tickets were cheap and that we had to pick him up by a certain time...

And this is the event we found our selves at: Girls Roller Derby!!!

Let me tell you, this even was everything I thought it would be!! From chicks in little skirts pushing each other to scary announcers with matching Mohawks to weird fans (check the guy with the purple platforms)

I would seriously suggest this for all my adult friends/relatives.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Wow check out the pic I found online... so this is why i'm still single.... :)

Friday, August 22, 2008


As you can see- I've added music. Whenever I find a awesome new song- I'll add it on. :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Reciepe for Yummy Dessert


Here's a new recipe that I found... Though it is a old recipe, its new to me...


1 C flour
1 Stick Butter
3/4 C pecans

Bake @350 for 25- 30 min, cool completely


Layer 1

1 cup powdered sugar
1 block cream cheese
1 cup cool whip (I plan to use real whipping cream)

Layer 2

Large package of chocolate pudding

Layer 3

Cool Whip

Shaved Hershey Bar
Chopped Pecans

Monday, August 11, 2008

Yummy Apple Pie

So.... I love making pie.... I seriously love making pie..
I've come to become obsessed with making the perfect pie. I've come to be fairly happy with my Apple Pie. If nothing else, I've determined that I dislike using flour as the filler.
I've decided to post the recipe that I've found efficient.
Apple Pie
6 Granny Smith apples
1 cup sugar
3 tsp tapioca
2 C flour
1 cube butter
3 tbl cristco
Ice Water (use real ice) w/ Vinegar
Bake 15min 400
Bake 30 min 375

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