Friday, February 27, 2009

Yeah for me posting!

So... yes. I am celebrating the lovely tradition of LENT! As you may ascertain from the above picture, my sacrifice for Lent will be.... (drum roll please) ALL FORMS OF POP!!! Freaker! Why am I doing this again?? I AM GOING THROUGH WITHDRAWL AS WE SPEAK. I just need some fructose corn syrup!! Please, let's open a vein and pour it in!!!
May I propose the beauties of Pop?? It clears your throat. The caffine takes away my headaches. I love the taste. It's fizzly. You can make bombs with it. If you add mentos, it makes a fountain. It makes me happy.

Monday, February 16, 2009

um... yeah

So... um.... yeah. I went to see Twilight for the 3rd time for Valentines day with a friend. Yeah. Enough said :P

Friday, February 6, 2009

Soon to Come Fame!!

So... not to brag or anything... but I am soon to become famous. I think we all knew that it was really just a matter of time... I mean, don't you just think within minutes of meeting that i'm just one of those out there whose desinted for greatness??

To explain matters, let me just start by saying that I didn't seek this out- my name was passed along though the channels. A friend of mine- Megan apparently has a brother in law who writes for the local newspaper as a writer. And apparently he's been assigned the article on Single Adults FHE (Family Home Evening). And naturally who else would he talk to about this, but your truly? As I am the greatest FHE mom ever (and naturally humble as well).

So, i'll be watching and waiting for about another month for the article to come out- trust me, i'll post the link so we can all share in my fame together!!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Biggest Loser

Quick Update!!

My office has started a fitness program where we are even going to start a "Biggest Loser" type of competition where the winner gets a pot and a free plane ticket to anywhere in the US...

I'm gonna do it!! Watch out!!


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