Friday, April 30, 2010


So.. this is my shout out to all you shrimp lovers out there. STOCK UP NOW...

If you haven't been following the news... (and a lot of people out there DON'T) there's a HUGE oil spill off the coast of Louisiana that's about to DESTROY the Oyster and Shrimp beds. This may affect the harvest for YEARS. So... buy a deep freeze and STOCK UP... unless you want to pay $5 a shrimp next year to put in your scampi.

Personally, i'm going to build a "red war era" bomb shelter in my backyard and stock it up with tons of Oysters, Shrimp and Crawfish to last out this horrific period of time that is about to come upon us.

I'm also going to make all my friends wear this shirt at all times. Everywhere. Sush. You know your going to do it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I need help!!!

I need help!!! Where are you qualified people of provo?!? Will you be my assistant!!??!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

yeah, it's like that

Waiting for the rain to pass
knowing it wont last
Still to enjoy each raindrop that falls
they each have a special call
Listen close to the sound
for the music is there to be found
Soft and sweet like candy from the sky
don't let the soft music pass you by
Just know it makes the earths crops
we should treasure all the raindrops
(I forgot to copy down the name of the artist... but I didn't write this)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

And another one bites the dust.

Emilie is engaged. Yet another friend lost to a husband. Sigh. She's moving to Arizona. Will you be my friend random people of the internet? I'm tired of having these guys STEAL my friends away.... lol :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Stop fighting it!!!

Give it up. All your dirty tricks!! Just admit you like it. Ok? Good. I'm glad we're on the same page now. :P (SO FREAKING EXCITED TO SEE MUSE TONIGHT!!!!)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Angus and Julia Stone

If you don't already know this band- well, get to know them!! I've seen them live and their pretty much amazing. They released a new album today, and I pretty much am really excited about it. It's funny that their only in their videos about 1/2 the time... Angus is soooo shy. In the live concert he looked down most of the time and hardly made eye contact with the audience.... They opened for Brett Dennen- so the show was pretty much AMAZING. Better than the concert I went to this week- "5 for fighting"... marginal at best. So- yes. Get to know/love Angus and Julia Stone!! (their siblings)

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