OBVIOUSLY I couldn't sign up with Young Living, or any other related company (company policy). I also would never sign up for a company where the product didn't sell itself, I'm much too lazy for that. When I first became aware of the concept of Nail Wrap Art a few years ago, I became a addict. All I knew about though was the product that I could find in the grocery store. Only a limited amount was ever put out and I could never find the style that I wanted. My choices were limited. As well, the product was kinda spendy and didn't last that long. You stretched it onto your nails and then applied heat to attach the wrap. It then cooled down to a nail polish type consistence, which would wear off almost as fast as regular nail polish would.

TWO months ago I became aware of a NEW Direct Sales Company, Jamberry. Not only were these Wraps superior to what I had tried out before, but I could choose from a HUGE catalog of style options! Instead of finishing to a nail polish type consistence, they remain a sticker. The sticker DOES NOT fade, warp, or crack. You do have to apply the wrap to your nail correctly and treat your nails properly (more blog posts to follow about this!).
WHY did I sign up as a consultant instead of just buying by product as a retail customer? Because, as with most Direct Sales companies becoming a Consultant/Distributor/Representative just make sense. You get your product at a discount, and should you want to make sales, you can. Making sales means $$$. In Jamberry its a 30% commission. They issued me a free Propay MasterCard and every Friday I get paid! Should I start making serious money, for only .30 I can transfer the money from the Propay card into my bank account. I just visited a woman who is paying her mortgage on a very large house with her Jamberry money. I mean, I could use a extra $7000 a month, couldn't you?
SO, not only do I have AMAZING nails now, but I'm making money by sharing a product I love with the friends I love! Parties can be done in person, or through modern social media! Who doesn't love the idea of throwing a casual Facebook party? No cleaning, no treat making, and you get to attend in your pajamas. As long as you make $100 in sales you get at least one free wrap.
Contact me with questions, or if you want to sign up or to host a part. I am more than happy to send out free samples! I will be posting a blog at least once a week, on Sunday. I may blog throughout the week on other topics as well. Welcome friends, I hope you comment below about Jamberry!