So, I am now the proud owner of a fun Beach Cruiser style bike...
I have to admit, that my shopping style in looking for a bike mainly centered around looking for a cheap bike... I didn't actually know what color I would be getting or get to ride it first...
It was seriously... buy the bike... surprise color... but I think its ok.
I was largely motivated by missing the bike I had in China. These beach cruiser style of bikes are really nice for just being able to jump on it and go...
I've been riding a lot on it... and oddly enough one of my favorite places to go is the Provo cemetery. Its super quiet, and I find its a good place to meditate on life... I also like going on the Provo river trail. Kinda like the Salmon Creek trail, but not as nice.
Yeah for cute bikes!
Can I come take it for a spin? You might want to think carefully before you answer that...I might just ride it all the way home!
Whatever... I'm more worried that you'll see throught he cuteness and see that its really deep down a cheap bike... :)
looks like it has both pedals in this photo... lookin' good!
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