Wow. Double Wow. I just watched the most depressing movie EVER. It's call "Grave of the Fireflies". It's seriously this Japanese Anime film where this kid and his little sister gets separated from their mother (who quickly dies) during a fire raid in Japan during WWII. This young boy then has to take care of his sister by himself. Their only family that they can locate is this crotchety old lady, who basically pushes them out onto the street.. and the kid has to fend for himself and his sister.
To give you an idea of the film- the opening scene is of the Boy dying, homel
ess on the street and all along. Then his spirit wakes up and his sister is there, waiting for him....

When I picked up the movie from the Library, I had NO idea that it was a serious film, I thought it was a normal Sci-Fi/Fantasy-ish Anime. NOPE. It's this way serious film, that climaxes in a scene where the boy has to cremate his sister, she's in this little woven basket and he's like placing her dolls and toys around her.
It's seriously very beautiful, and I have no problem with becoming aware of the issues involved and knowing about how horrible war is... it's just that it WAY takes you by surprise... I wasn't expecting it... seriously, that's basically it... wow.
I can't wait to watch it!!! Bring it to the gym tonight.
You wern't there!!
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