(Enter in Jealously Jokes.... as follows)

I meant, yeah I get to live in uber cute, old house that all sorts of quirky, and has old grumpy cats that pee all over.... but some times I feel the urge to move to a 70's retro house.... like my friends down the way.... (yes, i'm talking about you Bekky, Bonnie, and Erin!)
Seriously! There house has ONE main feature that I just CANNOT handle...
(Are you ready for this?)
(no really, are you ready)
THEIR CEILING GLITTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK- I didn't get the best shot of it glittering.... this is the best i could do... but you see those white specks? It's GLITTER.... I like shiny! Seriously, when i'm over there I just sit and stare at the ceiling the WHOLE time.... It Fascinating!! Me likes!
on a completely different note..... whose going to the princess festival with me? Any takers???

I'm so in for the Princess Festival!!
Oh and that above comment was from Carrie M, btw. Your cousin. Who likes princesses. And vampires.
:) Theres also a Lavender Festival down here where they joust and stuff... I freakin' love it!
I'm sure your niece would love to go with you! That's right up her alley. As for the sparkle ceiling, I was lucky enough to have a bit of that in our home growing up. I was......magical.
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