Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To cry or to laugh????

I have two options right now. I can cry, or I can laugh. It's kinda up to me. But I have only a short period of time to make that decision.

You see, the rescission has decided to start impacting my life. I'm not going to go into details yet, but I've been put between a rock and a hard place, because someone else mismanaged money. So now there apparently isn't enough for me.

I COULD use this as an opportunity to wind myself into a new job. I COULD make them fire me and I apply for unemployment. I COULD quit entirely and try to make ends meet as a full time student again. I COULD try to get another p/t job. There's a lot of "coulds" that are open to me. I *wish* one of those "coulds" was my mother's really rich relatives COULD just spontaneously give me money. It would never happen, but you never know, right? I can keep hoping? It COULD happen.

Regardless of their decisions I had already started the process of going back to school to began a new career. I just wish I could think of something that I actually LOVE that would pay my way ;) But then, doesn't everyone?

I know I'm in the same boat as many other people out there. I just thought I was safe in my little Valley, that this wouldn't happen to me. I guess it's my time to learn through trials. Like I said in the title of this blog- I have two options. I could laugh about it, or I could cry. I'm going to try my darnedest to make this a laughing matter.

If you read this- please don't say anything on facebook- it's kinda under wraps right now. I know that my office mates don't read this- so it's ok.


rockchelle said...

Grrr!!! I am so angry at them for you! I have been there, things will come into place just hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear...I understand....my job future is hazy and they are kind enough to tell us we have to wait to find out until February for them to be for sure....You'll make the right choice...if it was me I would make them fire me and collect unemployment.

Deborah Athay said...

They won't fire me. Their hoping I quit to I CAN"T collect it. Anyway, I really don't know 100% whats going on becuase they really DO need me still @ work.

Emilie May said...

i'm an office mate, and i read your blog. silly.

Deborah Athay said...

You don't count. :P

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