Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My poor baby car....

So.. I feel like it's time. Time to talk about how much I hate car stuff right now. ARGH. So.... I was hit by a hige SUV a few weeks ago. I was on my way to the MUSE concert with a roommate and a friend. Then BANG- they pull a U-EY into my car.
Needless to say, the lady was convinced that it was MY fault, but it's REALLY apparent that it wasn't (as you can see in the accident scene pic).
My car in the shop now. Being fixed. I hope they do a good job- and the paint matches this time. So far, it hasn't really in past jobs... The biggest crime in all of this has been the fact that this accident made me late to the concert- and I missed the first 1/3 of Muse's show. They had came onto the stage really early- 8:30. What we did see was AWESOME... i'll just FOR SURE have to go next time their in town.. and be early : )


Emilie May said...

um... you forgot about being keyed. and did you ever blog about your car rolling across the parking lot? bwahaha... bad luck. sorry!

Unknown said...

So did you get the ladies insurance to pay for it? -kate

Deborah Athay said...

She did pay for it. I just got my car back yesteray.

The rental people didn't charge me for the Keyed Car!! Yeah!!

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