Saturday, January 22, 2011

Homemade Mint Oreos

Below is my recipe for Homemade Mint Oreos. However, unlike regular Oreos, mine are soft!! It's super yummy and great!!

Caution- these are hard to make because The cookies are soft. Just be careful and slow about moving and handling the cookies and you'll be fine. Once their totally assembled however, their firm enough to hold.

Homemade Mint Oreos

1 1/2 cup flour
3/4 cup coca powder
1 cup sugar
1/4 t salt
1/4 t Baking Powder
1 3/4 sticks butter
3 T milk
1 t vanilla

mix dry. mix in butter. mix in wet. (I use a kitchen aid). knead briefly, roll into log and suran wrap- refrigerate for at least 1 hr. Cook @ 350 for.. 8 min? Let cook on pan for a min or two, then transfer to rack.


2 sticks butter
1 stick cream cheese
2 pounds powdered sugar
few T milk (to taste)
few drops vanilla (to taste)

Let cookies cool completely before assembling. Be very gentle as the cookies are fragile- and then I froze then after assembly (to help stiffen them up).

These were made for a wedding where it was requested that everything was on a stick (Even the cookies) and these were stiff to be held with the stick. :)

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