Monday, March 7, 2011

And.... Adele steals the show!

I think that this performance is amazing for several reasons...

1) She's so amazing that she chooses to showcase her talent in a simple manner- her style, her jewelry, the organization of the music...

2) All she NEEDS is the piano accompanist to carry off a award show worthy performance- unlike some people to feel the need to be born from eggs to make a show.

3) She's chubby- and it's like throw it in your face comfortable. She's hotter than all those skinny ho's in the audience.

4) The music has a positive message.

5) It's so amazing that even the announcer (James Corden- he's been on Dr. Who so he's pretty cool) owns that she stole the show... just with her sheer talent.

1 comment:

Emilie May said...

That really was good. Nate has some of her music... I'll listen to more of her on the plane today. Thanks for the idea!

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