Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fascinating Womanhood

If He Says No

If you use this feminine approach and the man says no, you can count on it that your request has been unfair or selfish. In this case you need to work on your Angelic Side and try to discover where you are at fault.

You may have failed to understand his duties as leader, or his driving desire for status. Or it might be that your request is beyond what he can financially afford. Often a woman's desire is in direct conflict with her husband's masculine responsibilities and he must say no to you as a matter of fairness to himself and his family.
Another time he is apt to say no when you have not been doing your part as wife. If you are selfish, neglectful of your home and appearance, and will not fix your husband his meals on time and have failed to become fascinating, he will not be inclined to bend himself to fill your just desires.

Fascinating Womanhood
Page 199

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