Sunday, November 15, 2009


So..... I figure that at some point I need to post something about the cruise I went on... :D
Let's do a pictoral essay instead of me writing a ton of stuff....
Me and a cool part of the ship that screamed "pose for a picture here" to me...
Yeah- the sun, the sunset, the sky, the ocean.... everything is MUCH cooler @ sea....
Our cool porter left us some towl art.. it made us feel special :)
(I'm in my fancy clothes here, we had a dinner where we had to dress up) (like the halo?)
Me and Emilie are at La Bufardora here (the blowhole, ya I know, I had to try really hard from not snickering whenever someone said the name of the place)
I'm leaving San Diego here... so excited to start the cruise....


Anonymous said...

I wish I could have gone with you girls but I am glad you had fun. It looks really pretty.

Deborah Athay said...

? anonymous.... how intriguing..

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