Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Guilt Trip Post

Here you go Carrie...

Tag you're it!...here are the rules: Post these rules on your blog. Answer these 15 questions about yourself on your blog. List 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions/Collections and 3 Random/Surprising facts. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


1) Discovering a new author. I mean a really great new one... they tyoe where you just love anything they write.. (cough! cough! Stephanie Meyer..)
2) Snuggling a baby. Good thing I'm very snuggable and babies like me :)
3) Having a new reciepe come out perfectly... Like my Key Lime pie I just made (I'll post it later)


1) Losing something... I have a horrid memory and hate it when I fail to over come it.
2) Missing something.... I really super hate it when I miss out on a great opportunity...
3) Getting Hurt... nothing is worse than feeling a knee give out under you... when it doesn't hurt yet, but you know its gonna in a sec....


1) Travel, i'd like to see every single continent during my twenties
2) Become a better person. I think this should be on everyones list... life either goes in one direction or the other...
3) Write something... I'd really like to learn to express my self in a literary fashion.


1) TWILIGHT (self explanatory)
2) making a perfect pie
3) my new bike (more on this later)

Surprising Facts:

1) I played Cricket today at a Canada Day party today :)
2) (for those who haven't seen me recently) My hair is now down to the middle of my back
3) I hate it when other people bake and rarely eat their goods (such a snob) :)

I'm not tagging anyone... as I don't really know anyone else who blogs that hasn't been given this already..... Sorry!!


moody foodie said...

I can definitely attest that your key lime pie is good. And that you're obsessed with Twilight. :) As for hating when other people bake, that's good to know. I guess my cookies will just be for you and me, Sarah!

Deborah Athay said...

Ha!! I think that your cookies just may be the exception tab :) And i'm saying that sincerely... in fac ti'm plotting to steal the recipe.

Carrie said...

So when are you going to come and snuggle my babies? I think they need a little Aunt Debbie time, don't you?!! And I'm anxious to see the new bike and hear the story...but I'm more excited to go on a ride with you!

Deborah Athay said...

I'll be around... but I am going out of town for the weekend for Jess's thing. I'll come around next week, k?

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