Sunday, October 31, 2010


Happy Halloween!! To me (apparently) Halloween means make Cinnamon rolls and then color the frosting slimy green. It was yummy.

I spent the day cleaning. My roommate and I had a party last night- but she was sick then and she's sick now- so I ended up doing most of the cleaning (which was OK). But I am tired. So, therefore not at all feeling guilty about eating a Cinnamon roll. I might have a second one. In a minute. :D

Last nights party was pretty fun. My friends and I got together and.... casually mingled. It was interesting. Though I must work harder to get people to understand what Steampunk is. Most people didn't get it. Ha. Victorian era clothing that shows really cool steam technology. I REALLY must improve it in the future. I need to like.... have a machine gun arm. Ha. Next year. It'll be better.

I spent a few days up in Idaho this last week with my Brother's family. He and his wife left town and I got to wrangle the monkeys for them. It was a lot of fun- and I got to take them trick or treating. I haven't been around kids that "belonged" to me in quite a few years. So it was kinda a special treat.

The kids didn't act up or anything on me- so that was nice. But the littlest one kept joining me in bed at night (which was cute) but about every half hour he'd take either his foot or hand and he'd like... stroke my arm or back. Totally kept me up. I guess he felt I needed to know what it was like to handle kids on less than a full nights sleep. Good job- he succeeded.

Speaking of not sleeping. Could you imagine what it would be like to be the house across the street from this house? Ha. Cool display- but I think it'd get REALLY old after an hour or so.

Peace out. Later.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Im blue.

Recently, some friends tried to convince me that I'm a red in the color code. I'm not. I've taken several tests and I keep coming out as a Blue. I think they misunderstand Blues. Blues are not afraid of confrontation- but we're more likely to be confrontational when protecting someone- or feeling like you need to protect them.

I don't know why I don't like Reds. They are just so unsympathetic. All the people I've known to be Reds- I've never gotten along with them. Probably because I'm not scared to stick up for my self. And to be honest, I don't get "dry personalities". Its VERY hard for me to tell when their being serious or not.

Bullying has been in the news a lot recently. Its weird for me because I was a bullied child- and still have a lot of insecurities about me because of it. Because of that I'm ALOT more ready to stand up for my self and others when I sense bulling going on. Protective to the point of being willing to cut people from my life who I consider bullies. I've done it in the past and I'll do it again.

As a child I was much more likely to avoid people and situations when I wasn't comfortable. Even though I LOVED dancing, (I was horrible at it) when I was faced with bullying at the lessons I would just quit. The same with sports and almost everything I tried. I think that's why I like Nerds. And Nerdy things. Nerds are just like- forget you- I'll do what I want. This is who I am. Then they let their nerd flags fly proudly. :)

Its strange to me that their focusing soooo much on the gay bullying. Not that's its COMPLETELY valid and needs to be worked on. But as a child- a teen even- I was bullied for being LDS and for being larger than my classmates. I mean- in middle school I had a classmate ask me when I was going to grow my horns and tail- because their church had taught them that Mormons would LITERALLY grow horns and tails as apart of their religious worship. I'm an adult now and completely understand and have sympathy for those out their who feel the need to bully- as I now understand that they are also insecure. They just express it in the opposite way. And the large thing? I now understand that by genetics I just matured quickly and was an "Adult" by sophomore year. Yeah. That was fun. Ha.

Anyway. Point is. I'm a blue. I'm insecure- I'm protective and I want to be understood. I know I ramble on and on in this blog- but that's the point of it. I mean- I didn't call it "musings on life" because I wasn't interested in sharing my point of view. Take it or leave it. It's out there for the world to see. And I know the world does see it- because I can see them. Anyway- here's an explanation of blues:

BLUES are motivated by intimacy. They seek opportunities to genuinely connect with other and need to be understood and appreciated. Everything they do is quality-based. They are loyal friends, employers and employees. Whatever or whomever they commit to is their sole (and soul) focus. They love to serve and give freely of themselves in order to nurture others' lives. BLUES have distinct preferences and are the most controlling personality. Their code of ethics is remarkably strong and they expect others to live honest, committed lives as well. They enjoy sharing meaningful moments in conversation as well as remembering special life events (i.e. birthdays and anniversaries). BLUES are dependable, thoughtful, analytical and can be self-righteous, worry-prone and moody. They are like "sainted pit-bulls" who never let go of something or someone once they are committed. When you deal with a BLUE, be sincere and make a genuine effort to understand and appreciate them.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I LOVE halloween. I'm super excited for this year!! I'll be having a party at my house this saturday and My costume will be AMAZING. Pictures will follow.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Just for the heck of it.....

Huh... This was playing on the radio as I drove to school this morning. Ha. While I do like this song- I'm completely mesmerized by the video. Hammer pants? Check. Random playground like backdrop? Check. Lack of theme or acting talent? Check.

However- the song itself- that I can feel. Because I DO want a change of atmosphere. I'm done living in Utah. Heaven help me- if I could move to another country, I think I would do it. London would be nice. I wonder how I could make that happen... hmmmm. I need to start drilling my friends who live over there as to how they managed it.. what do I need to do to make that happen for me? Sigh.

Yes, I know. The grass is always greener... and all that. However, while the grass may not be greener than over here- I'm sure it may be a different texture or length. Ya know? And lets me honest- UK accents are hot. Yes, I went there again. Lol.

Though- on a different level, it would be kinda a disregard for my ancestors who worked so hard to move away from there. I mean- look at all they went through to leave there... and I'm all excited about going back? Perilous sea voyage, horrific pioneer wagon cart trip... diseases.... etc. And I'm thinking about throwing it all in the air and going back. Yup. I'm kinda not thankful enough for their efforts. I should work on that.

However much though, that I can be aware of my need to be thankful, that doesn't change my restless feet. I feel the need to wander. To move. To be else where. Not that I think the people would be different, or that my life would change. I'm perfectly aware that who I am, what makes me, me. Those changes need to come from within. Location does not help that. Same with the people. Idiots are everywhere. Can't help that.

Anyway- off I go. To another day living in Utah. Its just the way things are for now. Until I figure out a way to "change my atmosphere".

Saturday, October 23, 2010

This is special...

I've discovered what my "MO" is concerning guys. Apparently I'm REALLY into tall skinny dark haired- guys. I've always thought that I was into guys with curly hair... but after a reflection on things.. yeah. I've discovered a pattern here.

1) It all came to me last night as I went to a Matt Costa concert (which was amazing). After the concert he came out and was signing autographs for the fans. I TOTALLY ran to the stuff booth and bought a CD for him to sign. As I'm standing there, in his presence, I turn into the biggest idiot. Instead of saying something momentous- or kind- I start babbling like a idiot.. something like... "loved the show".

2) I've QUICKLY become obsessed with Dr. Who. Specifically- the David Tennant version. I mean how HAWT is he? Oh my goodness. He just seems to work well on so many levels- and he's legit. A real actor and a nice guy :)

3) The last guy I knew - as in, in person knew (not a celebrity :) ) who I was actually obsessed with- well, I'm not going to name him, but he was tall dark and handsome (too bad he married someone else, eh?). Anyway- I also would turn into a babbling idiot when talking to him. It was super awkward. SUPER.

4) Richard Armitage- whose playing Thorin Oakenshield in the new Hobbit- well, I was reading up on him last night BECAUSE of the new Hobbit casting- and so I was reminded of how AMAZINGLY hot he is. (side note- if you haven't seen North and South- WATCH IT NOW) He;s not super skinny- but he does have the whole Dark Haired and Tall thing.'

Point is.. sigh. I need me a tall dark and handsome man. LOL And it's always better to know and understand your motivations. Yup.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

funny pictures of cats with captions

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

I've been working on finding things in my life that make me less independent. My mother taught me to be *fiercely* independent. Being who I am now a days- there are parts of this that I REALLY enjoy- but there are other parts of that, that I feel hold me back.

As of right now, however, there's nothing. So... let's watch another episode of Dr. Who. And i'll snuggle the Mupps. Ha.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


“Intellectual pride is very prevalent in our day. Some people exalt themselves above God and His anointed servants because of their learning and scholarly achievements. We must never allow our intellect to take priority over our spirit. Our intellect can feed our spirit and our spirit can feed our intellect, but if we allow our intellect to take precedence over our spirit, we will stumble, find fault, and may even lose our testimonies”.
(Joseph B. Wirthlin, “Press On,” Liahona, Nov 2004, 101–4)

I feel like people take themselves too seriously and they talk themselves out of trusting in the Lord. I haven't gotten really religious on here in the past, but here I go.

A friend of mine (someone I do still consider a friend) recently declared themselves to be agnostic. Basically renounced the LDS faith and opened them self up to other religions. Please don't bash me for saying this- but seriously, this is why I would never raise children in Utah. They just don't get enough exposure to other religions. Not that I don't LOVE people of different faiths- I DO. But, at the same time, I really, really love being LDS because of the simple truth that it brings into my life.

I've seen people struggle for knowledge, I've seen people try extremely time consuming, meaninglessness activities- to try to fulfill their spiritual needs. I feel that all search for truth is a good thing. But why do GOOD things when you can be doing GREAT things? The search for truth and wisdom is a extremely noble activity. Extremely. But personally, I'd rather listen to one session of Conference (as seen HERE) and get all the answers I've been wondering about, than spend the next 10 years wandering and searching.

I do have personal experience with this, before anyone thinks that I don't. I served my mission in Iowa, where oddly enough there's a spiritual community in Fairfield that practices Transcendental Meditation. I mean- the area is extremely "golden" (full of people who are seeking the truth) and these people have (for some of them) spent their entire adult life seeking truth (which is noble, remember?) but in speaking to some of the members of the ward in that town, they would tell us how where they used to meditate for 5-6 hours a day to be at peace, they could now go to the temple once a week and have the same amount of fulfillment. AND they were free to live a "normal" life (i.e. average American life).

When it comes to life experiences, I guess I'm super blessed because I've NEVER needed to do something personally to learn from it. Drugs? Nope. Smoking? Nope. Premarital Sex? Nope. (seeing a good friend go though a abortion at the age of 14 ended that impulse quickly).

For all that I gripe about my life- I've been super glad to be free from the impulse to experiment. Probably also because I've always known how extremely apt I am to become addicted to things- just don't open the box. Pandora can keep her secrets.

But I can't keep this one. I know that Christ lives. I know that Pres. Thomas S. Monson is a prophet of God and I know that, while this life holds many good things and that many things are true, the only whole truth is to be found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Thanks for reading this. Let me know if your interested in learning more, or have questions.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Just Sayin'

funny graphs - But It's the Only One with Tea Time
see more Funny Graphs

Wii? Please??

Dr Who does Wii?? Yes please? Especially the controller that's a Sonic Screw Driver. I NEED that. Bwahahah... Here's a pic!!
I don't *need* it... I have enough controllers. But I NEED it. that way when I turn on the wii to watch The Doctor do his thing, I can do it with a SONIC SCREW DRIVER. Hahahaha.
You know, its the simple things in life that makes me whole.
I got some good news today- the head of my department just told me that he'd 1) help me get a job and that 2) he really wants me to get the AAS (that he got on the books FOR me) and that he thought that it was a good idea.
I am a little worried that him helping me get a job would lead into a job in Provo. Which is not ideal. Maybe Salt Lake would be OK. With a real job I'll be able to afford to go home more. I don't know yet where I want to live permanently. It would be nice if I had something guiding my life- but I don't. Its all whishy washy.
But maybe having my own personal Sonic Screw Driver- just maybe it would help out a little. I WILL be super disappointed when I go to open a door... and it doesn't work. Sigh. Sad little realities of life. How they drag me down. :(

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sweet Song..

This song makes me want to dance across the room. Just totally let it all lose and just... let go.

That's a good thing too. Its been too long since I've just.. been full of joy. Concerts usually do it to me. I feel very inhibited. Theres something about how private a concert can be. Its just you and the musician.. in a room full of other people. There not a ton of other places where you can feel soooo private, while surrounded by other people.

Though to be honest... if I'm rocking out to this in my house... thats hardly in a room full of people... ha.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Scary Kitties

funny pictures-2 LEGZ EEZY  NXT WE GRO THUMZ
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

I know that this pic is just a joke.... BUT.. seriously. Are cats the next step in taking over the world?? I mean.. are they developing into a sentient race that will continue to co-exist here on earth??

Part of whats getting to me is a certain Dr. Who episode where there were these killer cat nuns. Seriously. Cat Nuns. Here's a pic to show you. Its pretty special.

Yeah. I said it was special. Its interesting to see how the show very much would attach itself to something... real. And twist it. And we'd enjoy it because, it strikes it self to us as real. As possible. I mean- look at that top photo. What would happen if cats had vocal chords that could talk? I mean... how smart are cats already? Whats the stretch from where they are today- and Dr. Who's killer kitty nuns???

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I've discovered how to get more people looking at my blog. Post about Dr. Who. I *think* that's what is doing it. Though I see a lot of hits for a April 2010 month's postings... and heaven knows that's on that page that's drawing people in.

Its been two weeks now since I quit my job. Well... kinda quit. Ha. And since then I've been spending a lot of time watching Dr. Who. And I picked up another class- the second half of the Real Estate and the Law course that I'm currently taking. Its super exciting. Basically waiting, and watching for my drunk classmate to make another attention grabbing awkward situation.

Seriously. Last week she interrupted the lecture on mortgages to ask a question about White Supremacy." How incredibly weird and inappropriate. Ha. Anyway, as odd as she is, it does help to break up the monotony of the class. Not that I don't like it. I actually am finding my law classes more interesting than I thought I would.

I am however surprised at how many people hear that I'm studying Paralegal, and their surprised that I'm not going to become a lawyer. I mean.... I just know way too many new lawyers who are struggling to find jobs right now. And- if I'm a paralegal then NO RESPONSIBILITY. I think I could use some of that right now. Its VERY appealing.

I do however need to find a way to make a living by my own wits. I've been thinking about taking up writing. Hmmm... that seems super appealing. Sit at home- throw out my thoughts and see what happens. We'll see. Bwahahahha.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's Official: 'Doctor Who' To Film in the U.S. For The First Time! - Anglophenia

It's Official: 'Doctor Who' To Film in the U.S. For The First Time! - Anglophenia


How hard would it be to show up on set and watch them film this? Ha. I'm not crazy... but how often will they film Dr. Who in UTAH??

Yeo Valley Advert - Official Video

The grass is always greener... isn't it? I mean, here I am in America thinking.. how AWESOME is this advertising? I think its the COOLEST thing I've ever seen. Totally lol'ed.

However.. the reason why its cool is because their rapping.. like American style rapping. So.. here I am IN AMERICA thinking that England is cool, and that I"d like to visit there... and hence the circle continues. On. And On.

However.. now I AM kinda frustrated because I'm TOTALLY sold on their product. Milk? Yes please.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

UN official denies she has role representing Earth - World news - Europe -

UN official denies she has role representing Earth - World news - Europe -

I absolutely LOVE this article. First the UN announces that they've appointed someone to be the head of their space program- then they have to clarify that she's not the World Ambassador to Outer Space. Liars. We all know whats up. Theres aliens. Admit it. Come on, you know you wanna... because if theres aliens then theres a chance that.... Dr. Who is real.

I have been UTTERLY obsessed with Dr. Who recently (yes, I"m aware that I'm like the last person to discover the show, get off my back) but anyway- I feel better knowing that this nice lady will be there standing in the way when the Daleks attack. What are Daleks you ask? Their these little crafty creatures:

Daleks are like... the WORST aliens out there. No emotions, No Sympathy.. etc. Just little killing jerks. If one shows up- your dead. BAM.

And anyway- i really think that if Dr. Who was real.. it would make my day since I'm obsessed with the main character... OK. Specifically the actor (David Tennant) who was the previous Dr..... Sigh. I think I'm going to go online and buy HAMLET, since he stars in it. I mean, I have NO desire to watch Hamlet. Just a desire to try to get my Dr. Who fix somewhere since he's off the show now. Sigh.

Please don't confuse this for a WEIRD obsession. It's just a normal- isn't he great type of obsession. Which is weird since I don't normally do those. Didn't obsess over the popular kids in school- I never cared who was student body president in college... etc. But... theres just something about his strut... lol.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

I feel like this above animal is acting upon my life. I've had several hard things come upon me recently. I had the opportunity to quit my job this week. Two days later, I realized that I needed to go to the doctors (I haven't yet). I"m just wondering what's next?

And then i'm also wondering what lemonaid is gonna come from these lemons. I mean... theres got to be something out there. Should probably start working on that. Get my resume in shape. ha.

Hmmm.. lemon aid. I may go have hot dog on a stick for lunch. DELICIOUS.

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