Monday, October 25, 2010

Just for the heck of it.....

Huh... This was playing on the radio as I drove to school this morning. Ha. While I do like this song- I'm completely mesmerized by the video. Hammer pants? Check. Random playground like backdrop? Check. Lack of theme or acting talent? Check.

However- the song itself- that I can feel. Because I DO want a change of atmosphere. I'm done living in Utah. Heaven help me- if I could move to another country, I think I would do it. London would be nice. I wonder how I could make that happen... hmmmm. I need to start drilling my friends who live over there as to how they managed it.. what do I need to do to make that happen for me? Sigh.

Yes, I know. The grass is always greener... and all that. However, while the grass may not be greener than over here- I'm sure it may be a different texture or length. Ya know? And lets me honest- UK accents are hot. Yes, I went there again. Lol.

Though- on a different level, it would be kinda a disregard for my ancestors who worked so hard to move away from there. I mean- look at all they went through to leave there... and I'm all excited about going back? Perilous sea voyage, horrific pioneer wagon cart trip... diseases.... etc. And I'm thinking about throwing it all in the air and going back. Yup. I'm kinda not thankful enough for their efforts. I should work on that.

However much though, that I can be aware of my need to be thankful, that doesn't change my restless feet. I feel the need to wander. To move. To be else where. Not that I think the people would be different, or that my life would change. I'm perfectly aware that who I am, what makes me, me. Those changes need to come from within. Location does not help that. Same with the people. Idiots are everywhere. Can't help that.

Anyway- off I go. To another day living in Utah. Its just the way things are for now. Until I figure out a way to "change my atmosphere".

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