Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I've discovered how to get more people looking at my blog. Post about Dr. Who. I *think* that's what is doing it. Though I see a lot of hits for a April 2010 month's postings... and heaven knows that's on that page that's drawing people in.

Its been two weeks now since I quit my job. Well... kinda quit. Ha. And since then I've been spending a lot of time watching Dr. Who. And I picked up another class- the second half of the Real Estate and the Law course that I'm currently taking. Its super exciting. Basically waiting, and watching for my drunk classmate to make another attention grabbing awkward situation.

Seriously. Last week she interrupted the lecture on mortgages to ask a question about White Supremacy." How incredibly weird and inappropriate. Ha. Anyway, as odd as she is, it does help to break up the monotony of the class. Not that I don't like it. I actually am finding my law classes more interesting than I thought I would.

I am however surprised at how many people hear that I'm studying Paralegal, and their surprised that I'm not going to become a lawyer. I mean.... I just know way too many new lawyers who are struggling to find jobs right now. And- if I'm a paralegal then NO RESPONSIBILITY. I think I could use some of that right now. Its VERY appealing.

I do however need to find a way to make a living by my own wits. I've been thinking about taking up writing. Hmmm... that seems super appealing. Sit at home- throw out my thoughts and see what happens. We'll see. Bwahahahha.

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