Sunday, June 29, 2008

Making Cheese!!!

POST OVER-LOAD HERE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Yes, I know.... I don't post in forever.. and then I post a TON in one day.... what can I say?? I just have soooo much that needs to be said today! :)


For now.. this additional post is about my current baking expedition.... MAKING CHEESE...

Today, I began with the most basic, simple type.... just a white spreadable cheese... Delicious!!


2 QT Raw Whole milk
Lemon Juice
2 C Buttermilk (cultured)

Olive Oil
Yummy Crackers (whole wheat or small toast thingys, etc)

Cheese Cloth
Heavy bottom pan
Liquid Therometer
Wooden Stirrer
Cute Ramekins ( like 5)
big strainer
suran wrap

Heat Milk to 175 slowly.... at 175 turn off heat, stir in buttermilk and 6 tsp lemon juice (may need more) slowly stir to seperate curd from whey. Let sit 5 min... gently spoon in collander lined with 4 layers of cheese cloth with a big spoon strainer. Let sit 10 min. Gently gather up, remove colander, and twist the cheese cloth gently, and hang the cheese cloth from wooden spon over now empty pot for 20 min.

Empty cheese on surface and cut in salt (to taste). Spoon cheese into little cute ramekins and press suran wrap onto top, directly touching cheese. Let sit in fridge until let, at least an hour. I'm guessing overnight best.... Serve with yummy crackers and with fresh pepper grated on top with a little bit of olive oil drizzeled on top.

This cheese is good for replacement of creme cheese or ricotta.....

See attachment to cooking guys blog to watch a video of him making it... though you will need to look around a bit to find it!!!

Lavender Days at Young Farm

Awesome!! Awesome!! Awesome!!

What else can I say about this past weekend? It involved food, horse drawn rides, lavender mazes and JOUSTING...

And what, I ask of you... what Lavender Feistival would be complete without Camels, Elk, Buffalo (it tried to get me and rammed the fence right at me) and Zedonkeys (a little zebra/donkey action there...)???

Wait a sec.... did I say JOUSTING??? I surely did. Aparently the owner of this corportion is really into jousting and centers his companies yearly Lavender Days around JOUSTING.....

Check this action out...

Check this guy out.. He's ready to go!!!

I know. its about as Awesome as it gets.. and I'd have to admit that I might have become a Jousting junkie... freaking AWESOME!! This has got to be about the coolest thing I have EVER done/ gone to.

Here's some other highlights...



I was jus thinking to my self that I needed to meet a wench and a chubby cowboy... oh buy did that goal ever get fulfilled!!! Score!!

Sarah in a Lavender Labrinth....

Waiting for David....

We wait for him here,

We wait for him there

We wait for him anywhere!!

Time is not a matter,

Time is not a concern,

For when it is time to go,

He is just isn't there!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Evil Cats and Ugly Birds

Allow me to introduce, and present to the world- an evil cat. It's name is Stormy... though it goes simply as It to me. It has quite the habit of marking its territory... in that viscious way that only cats have. In fact, we had to throw out a couch this very night as it had been repeatedly desecrated by the very villiam to the left... numerous times. Don't be fooled by Its appearant idoicy.. there beneath Its vile stare lies the heart of a villian. I have to watch my very own goods like a hawk because of fear of It. It is even forbidden from my room- and from my presence. I would have to firmly that this war was started by It. Here I was nicely moving in- when the sneak goes into my room while I was out- and pees all over the place. I come home late and climb into bed... only to discover.. a... wet... bed. Hence the Evilness had begun.

Not only are we blessed with the presence of a Evil Cat... but we currently have a mess of ugly birds within our living room. I'm firmly aware that they will grow into cute hens that will feed us yummy eggs... but their ugly... and they smell :( They had begun their life extremely little and cute... but they are quite the ugly Adolencents...

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Farm House Clic

My roomates are extrememly upset about being apart of my blog.. and so I shall from now on call them..... hmm.... It could be thing one and thing two... or perhaps Spacey and Runney... or even... I don't know...I'll probably wait until a new set of names grows on me :P
Right now- we just returned from FHE (non-mormon friend... just google it, family home evening). I've been called to be a FHE leader... so I have to go now... Its the biggest joke to my roomies as I'm generally the hardest person to get them to go. The one to the lef thas even threated me with pictures of crying baby Jesus.
Though, when we're there- theres a time limit for how long they want to stay... after about ten min of refreshemnts their ready to go!! SO we have devised a gang sign to signal our readiness to go!! The one to the left is modeling this lovely sign for us.... its stands for the Farm House Gang (more on my house later).
Today, i was having a lovely visit with another person- Elizabeth- when they apprear across the kitchen island from us... do these weird moves. The one to the right, is dancing and the one to the left is rubbing her hand across her face repeatedly... I'd forgotten the signs!! it wasn't for a min or two that I loudly declared- "oh! you want to leave" and they both looked daggers at me. I started to explain to Elizabeth what was going on- when they grabbed my and we left... leaving the house they explained to me at length that this was our secret... and I was never to tell anyone.. of course the first thing I did when I got home was to blog about it :) Hey- if you guys didn't want me to talk about it- why did you pose for it in a pic???

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Big Horn Sheep!! That's right, this is pretty much what I considered the highlight of our trip. There we were... innocently walking around when all of a sudden, theres this huge family of Big Horn Sheep... about 150 feet from us. Seriously close. It was totally cool, until about 10 in a sheep from another canyon started yelling-out, and the big guy- right there in the middle.. started looking at us and jumping down the hill right at us. Dude thought we wer trying to take over his chicks!!

I had throughout the trip, having a great time going over the idea that we were right in the middle of a community of Poligamists... I kept calling out for the "poligamies". My roommates kept thinking that I was going to disapear and join in the fun! I decided that since I didn't see any human poligamies, that i'd count the sheep. One man- lots of chicks.... I felt it approporiate. :)

We divided for most of the day as my roomates went on a hike that I wasn't comfortable with, but then we went Slot Canyon'ering... basically doing our best to get lost. I was pretty ok with it until we had to start doing some minor climbing. I fully admit that it was minor.. but... lets just say that I'm no Mountin Goat.. unlike Sarah My Roomie. Before I was able to force my self down the hill, I basically started to hug the wall and cried for a bit.... But then got over myself and climbed down.
The first night we failed to find a campsite.. So we ended up staying at a Travel Lodge. I was COMPLETELY fine with this.. though I could tell that my roommates were completely disappointed. We eventually choose to spend a second night there, and I worked my ways with the rangers to sweet talk our way into a camp site. Sweet!
Anywho- we survived, had a great time and got back in time for church. Good Times!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hello World of Blogging!!

Hmm... I have decided to enter into the world of Blogging. Not with any real intent, or purpose, but mainly becuase its seems its the "thing" to do right now. As in- all the cool kids are doing it. Man I give into peer presure easily. :)

Jessica had her babies today. Sad day!! She and Justin choose not to name their daughters Jacille and Juanqua as I'd hope :( But yeah for babies!! Congrats, and looking forward to seeing pics of your babies.

For those of you, a little unfamiliar with where i'm at... I work at DishOne Satellite as an Inventory Manager. I get to count and buy dishnetwork satellite product ALL DAY LONG. I know, your jealous of my incredibly exciting life. I live in Utah with two amazing roomies who are great at getting me to go out of my comfort zone (like slot canyon'ering in Zions, more on this another time). But here's a preview: (See pic of flowers/cactus).

Well... thats about it for now. I'll post more when I get it!!

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