Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fascinating Womanhood

How to Give Feminine Advice
Give forth advice as a "fountain" that bubbles over in a park. One can take as much or as little as he pleases, or may choose to stand back and admire the beauty of the fountain itself. Use the "take it or leave it" approach and let him drink as much or as little as he likes. Use the words "I feel", or "I believe," For they are indicative of of insight.
Make no effort to insist upon your point of view or to convince him, or explain why you feel as you do. And remember the following don'ts:
1) Don't appear to know more than he does...
2) Don't be motherly...
3) Don't talk man to man...
....In giving feminine advice remember: Make him feel superior in his role as leader.
Fascinating Womanhood, pg 94, 95

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Beautiful Bike!!

So, I am now the proud owner of a fun Beach Cruiser style bike...
I have to admit, that my shopping style in looking for a bike mainly centered around looking for a cheap bike... I didn't actually know what color I would be getting or get to ride it first...
It was seriously... buy the bike... surprise color... but I think its ok.
I was largely motivated by missing the bike I had in China. These beach cruiser style of bikes are really nice for just being able to jump on it and go...
I've been riding a lot on it... and oddly enough one of my favorite places to go is the Provo cemetery. Its super quiet, and I find its a good place to meditate on life... I also like going on the Provo river trail. Kinda like the Salmon Creek trail, but not as nice.
Yeah for cute bikes!

Monday, July 21, 2008

How Fascinating....

How to give sympathy

Come to him with warmth and tenderness. Your very approach should be enough to melt his icy mood. If he talks and tells you of his troubles, let him. If not, do not force the issue, for he may be hiding his failures from you. Don’t attempt to solve his problems, lift his burdens, or remove his obstacles directly and don’t give him advice unless he appears to want it. Then give it in a feminine way…

Fascinating womanhood, pg 82

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fun at Will and Carries...

So.... I got the pleasure recently to watch Will and Carrie's children for the weekend. We filled it with yummie treats- and Star Wars.

We made several pies.... Cherry, Oreo, and Apple!! I also discovered to my enjoyment that Mitchell seems to be incapable of having his picture taken without striking a pose :P

Jane was my helper! She di a excellent job of helping to roll out the the pie crust, and filling the pies :) Luke had quite a lot of fun running around and would center on Jane, stopping to hug her with every round.

Mitchell Had a Base Ball game on Monday, and recieved his trophy- which he was incredible proud of!

Just Lukie being quite "snot-alicious"

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fascinating Womanhood.... take 2..


Man are not opposed to artificial allurements if it makes the woman appear more alive and healthy. In fact, you attention to these details only indicates to him you efforts to please him. Eye make-up and lipstick especially help to make the face appear bright and fresh which is the reason they were created- to charm men
Fascinating Womanhood, pg 176

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fascinating Womanhood

So.... On my recent trip back home, I picked up some goodies... Namely books. I had a whole list of things I was looking for, and high up on my list was my copy of Fascinating Womanhood.

For those unfamiliar with this book... It was published in the 1960's as a rebellion against the raising feminism movement. So, you can imagine that as far to the one side that feminism went to- this book went equally as far to the other.

I have come to the conclusion that this book is soooo incredibly awesome, that I have absolutely no choice but to publish a quote from it periodically. Please keep in mind that I find this humorous and one of the biggest laughing stocks I have ever come across.... and so... we have here our first quote:

Our Debt to Society
Although becoming the domestic goddess is our prime responsibility, it can become a narrow existence if continued indefinitely with no thought for others. We do owe a certain public good to the world, and it is such a benevolence that enriches a woman's life. If the homemaker can increase her efficiency at home so she may help those in need, she will become a better person and even a better mother and wife.

Fascinating Womanhood, pg 148

And it is with such a start, that I am now going to redesign my blog set-up to reinforce my feminity, as the book demands... @--->------

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Guilt Trip Post

Here you go Carrie...

Tag you're it! are the rules: Post these rules on your blog. Answer these 15 questions about yourself on your blog. List 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions/Collections and 3 Random/Surprising facts. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


1) Discovering a new author. I mean a really great new one... they tyoe where you just love anything they write.. (cough! cough! Stephanie Meyer..)
2) Snuggling a baby. Good thing I'm very snuggable and babies like me :)
3) Having a new reciepe come out perfectly... Like my Key Lime pie I just made (I'll post it later)


1) Losing something... I have a horrid memory and hate it when I fail to over come it.
2) Missing something.... I really super hate it when I miss out on a great opportunity...
3) Getting Hurt... nothing is worse than feeling a knee give out under you... when it doesn't hurt yet, but you know its gonna in a sec....


1) Travel, i'd like to see every single continent during my twenties
2) Become a better person. I think this should be on everyones list... life either goes in one direction or the other...
3) Write something... I'd really like to learn to express my self in a literary fashion.


1) TWILIGHT (self explanatory)
2) making a perfect pie
3) my new bike (more on this later)

Surprising Facts:

1) I played Cricket today at a Canada Day party today :)
2) (for those who haven't seen me recently) My hair is now down to the middle of my back
3) I hate it when other people bake and rarely eat their goods (such a snob) :)

I'm not tagging anyone... as I don't really know anyone else who blogs that hasn't been given this already..... Sorry!!

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