Sunday, August 31, 2008

Roller Derby

A few weeks ago, a friend who.... an interesting guy announced that he wanted my roommates and I to go to a mystery event. He refused to say what exactly we were going to, only that the tickets were cheap and that we had to pick him up by a certain time...

And this is the event we found our selves at: Girls Roller Derby!!!

Let me tell you, this even was everything I thought it would be!! From chicks in little skirts pushing each other to scary announcers with matching Mohawks to weird fans (check the guy with the purple platforms)

I would seriously suggest this for all my adult friends/relatives.


Carrie said...

Yes, maybe my next evening out with William will have to include the Roller Derby...too bad we won't be out there derbying things up ourselves!

moody foodie said...

When are we trying out for the team?

Deborah Athay said...

This Saturday!! Woo Hoo!!! Go "Meatier Shower" and "Devilish"

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