Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hair Cut :)

Don't you love it when people don't blog forever, and then post a ton in one day :)

So... I chopped off my hair!! Like a month ago....
But I took off almost a foot :)
I still have the hair in my possession, but I plan on sending it on to locks of love when I get the chance.


Carrie said...

I love it, but then again I think I tell you that all the time. I think it is very chic and very you and very unique!

Jessica @ Paint In My Hair said...

Surprise! Hi this is grandma Athay blogging you on JEssica's computer. It was fun to read yours. I will be there in December and hope we'll get together. I love your haircut. Just for fun Renee has gone blond. Wow! I hope all is great with you. I love you and miss you. Grandma Athay

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