Sunday, September 14, 2008


Sorry!! I haven't been blogging!! I've been caught up in making my Halloween costume!! I'm making a Revolutionary era dress- its a red and white stripe. I'm also getting to learn how to make a corset (send good thoughts my way!!). :)
If you look closely, you can see the dress I'm making int he pic I added- see the yellow dress?? I'm making that, but not the hat or shawl (maybe... we'll see how ambitious I get).


Carrie said...

That's awesome, Deb! You are very ambitious and I can hardly wait for the outcome. Are you going to come trick-or-treating at my house?!!!

Jennifer said...

What possessed you to make a Halloween costume? Or are you LYING to us and you are now a closet Civil War re-enacter?! I knew it! History nerd. Oops. Sorry Carrie and Emily :)

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