Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Time for my primal scream therapy...

My life for the past two weeks has been AMAZING. And not in a good way. I’m trying to sound whiney, but I really have not been sharing ALL that has been going on with me, with everyone I know. Soooo…. Here goes…

1) My boss cut my hours to PT- I’m talking 25 hours a week.
2) Because of said cut hours, my performance is going down. Annoying.
3) I just got in a car accident, where my car rolled backward in a parking lot and it hit another car….
4) I’m going to want to pay for fixing the other car out of pocket (probably) to save on my car insurance. Like I’m rolling in extra money right now.
5) My Intro to Paralegal teacher announced yesterday that there’s been multiple quizzes that I’ve missed because he a) didn’t announce them in class and b) their not on the syllabus…. We’re just supposed to KNOW to look for them
6) There other stuff I can’t really mention because I need to be discrete about not naming names and crap… but know that there’s OTHER stuff I could mention that involves... people I know.
7) It’s Winter. Uck.
8) My history teach just reads the book. Seriously.

On the positive Side, I have had some AWESOME things happen recently…

1) Bekky made me a surprise snowman
2) I love my roommates
3) I get to bake one of my roommates “the birthday cake” soon
4) I have my mom’s painting on my wall now
5) My room is slowly getting into order now I have a shredder
6) Ricco is pretty sweet, even though he’s a scardey bird

With each new event in my life, I’m actually working hard as heck to make lemon aid out of these lemons. I actually think I’m doing pretty well. This does mean however that every now and then, I need some primal scream therapy!! As long as I can periodically just “let it out” I think I’ll survive. I just need for it to be spring. Then summer. The fall. Then I’ll be done with School, and I can move (I think) to Colorado. I think that’s the plan for now. I SERIOUSLY need a change of scene, and I think that’s the winner… I would go for… say the Oregon coast, BUT there’s no jobs out there. I’ve looked. I need a place with a good economy… Any suggestions? Because as of right now, I’ll consider almost anything… :P


Carrie said...

Come to IDAHO!!!!!! I'm sure there must be jobs here and the winters are just fine!hahahahaha

Deborah Athay said...

:P I don't have the motivation you do to improve my family life...

And we all know how you work. a year after I move dup there you'd move away. Thats what you did to me here in Utah....

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