Monday, November 1, 2010

Family Trends

Do you believe in the type of blood connections that allow families to KNOW the same things as each other, even when their miles apart? How about when their states away, or countries apart?
Somehow my family does this. But oddly enough- it only works with science fiction or fantasy genre items. The first time it happened, it was for the Author Terry Pratchett. You'll notice in my side bar, that I'm still a fan. I starting reading Terry Pratchett years ago, when I was about 15. I didn't tell anyone though about it. However, when I was about 23, after having been a dedicated fan I discovered that My sisters were also fans. We had never spoken about it. I didn't tell them to pick the books up. And I feel that he's a uncommon enough author for this to count.

Needless to say I do have other examples of this- that I won't go into here and now. Mostly because the effort would be much too great to bother typing it all out. I'd rather get to the point.

This psychic blood bond has occurred again. Just this last month I've come to the awareness that not only am I a *NEW* Dr. Who fan. But so are my sisters. Sigh. Its just so fun and funny. The odd thing is that none of us knew that the others were also getting into it. OBVIOUSLY psychic, right? Lol.

Obviously, I only know the series from its reincarnation (pun? ha.) in 2005 on. I'm American, so even being a nerd growing up, I watched Star Trek. BBC Sci Fi has only come to my attention recently. Didn't know that Dr. Who existed. Well, my dad mentioned it once. But that's about all I knew.

So anyway. Apparently my family is psychic. Either that or we all have really good taste. One or the other. Who knows. Its a mystery. Enjoy this video that some other person made that's basically a trailer for a Dr. Who episode called "The Girl in the Fireplace". Its one of my favorite episodes. I totally think people should find some *legit* place to watch Dr. Who- and you should all become fans.

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