Friday, November 12, 2010


Amy Pond: That's Some Good Stuff Right There

Amy isn't my favorite companion for the doctor.. but then the current doctor isn't my fav doctor either.. but they do go well together...

But this pic is AMAZING!!! I totally LOVE it and its appropriate for her. The other companions would not have worked in this style!! :D

It's come to my attention that apparently m Dr Who obsession is getting pretty annoying to my roommates. Tough. its amazing. I am trying to tone it down however. BUT- knowing that The Doctor will be filming in Utah within the next week- well its pretty hard. I just wish I knew WHERE their filming. That would be pretty sweet. I'd show up. Be that annoying... can I watch you shoot? Quiet- nice- non-obtrusive fan. I'd do that well.
see more Lol Celebs

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