Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Storms and Warnings

They've been threatening all day that we're about to have a nasty strong storm. Who are "they"?? Just about everyone. My teacher cancelled class- The newspaper felt the need to e-mail me.. etc. I feel like.. when "they" are doing everything they can to get a hold of you that you should listen. However- it was supposed to hit somewhere between 3-4 PM. You know what? Didn't happen. Which leads me into the subject of false predictions and warnings.

What does one do when "they" fail you? Run and put my head under a rock? Maybe. It doesn't help that I'm watching 2012 right now. Ha. Anyway. It's now 6pm and no snow. I feel like the weather gods have deserted me. Sigh. Here's a pic to comment on my feelings:

funny puns-Your Doom Shall be Warm and Soft

see more So Much Pun

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