Friday, January 23, 2009


Here's some pics to show you just how cool Sundance is!!! I'm posing here with a friend of mine- Laura Uitto. This kinda makes me feel cool, it's the screen all the celebrities stand in front of:

This moose is infamous in Park City- I felt I needed to show him some love :P

Here's a lovely bear- all ready to be posed with:

Me and Laura were able to get into some parties at Sundance- Here we're in a party called "Obama Rama". It was on the roof of a hotel called the Sky Bar.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yeah!! I went to Sundance!! Didn't see any celebrities (Inauguration= eveyone's in DC :P). But I did go shopping (WAY tempted to buy store bought Huckleberry Jam- I'll have to go picking next summer) and I got into several parties.
I wanted to say something- even though I left my camera @ work, hence no pictures yet. :( But i'll post again when I have some pics to make this more interesting.
Funny story though- I was talking to the owner of a Art Gallery, and he had, had a run in with a celebrity the day before. He was just sitting in his shop when he see's all these paprazzai outside. So, he steps out to see what's going on, and he's standing next to this guy and he leans over and says, who are they taking photos of? And the guys like, I think it's me. The owner looks over, and realized he's standing next to Robin Williams. Huh. Go figure :)
Maybe next yeah i'll have better luck.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I just hijacked some photos from my father over christmas break!! Among them are me comming home from my mission and graduating from college. Yup. Never got to see them when they were took. This is the first i've seen of them. Here i'll post a example of them here for all to see...

Here's my family making a huge annoying fuss over me... of course i would have been way offended if they hadn't : )

Ah- Grandma Rachel. I miss you.
Hmmm... yet another example of outfite that on my mission I thought were "just fine". I was wrong.

Yeah!!! I get to gramaduate!!! Hmmmm.... I like my hair like that.... maybe I should let it grow a bit more....

I have some more absolutely fabulous photos... but their being held hostage on my Ipod. There they will stay until I get a new connector for my computer....

I feel popular!!

Wow! I'm up to 30 hits!! Oh- the mystery of it all.... who is it checkin me out?? Hmmmm??? Here, i'll post a video here to add some fun.... see next post.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Not that I mind being read... but i've added a site hit counter.. and since sunday about 20 people have checked out my blog.... I feel a sense of being stalked.... (insert scary theme song).... WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?? Leave a comment, come on!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My trip to William and Carrie's!!!

I thought i'd take a second and write about my recent trip to William and Carrie's. No, not the actual visiti there, but my trip. As in, the drive. It was stormy. It was rainy. And the usual 3 1/2 hr drive took me 5 hours. :P
But then, I need to stop at the Blackfoot Walmart. WOW. I've sooooo been unaclimitized to Idaho. I was lovingly shocked and amazed at the sight and arangements to behold there. Needless to say, I was more fascinated by the people, but honestly didn't have the guts to take any photos oh them.... so I took pictures of stuff instead... but imagine if you will.... women with 5 inches of combes up hair with black and white eyeshadow to their eyebrows..... lovely image....
Our first picture here, is from the Men's department. Apparently carhart nockoff's, plaid and light up vests are all the rage this year!!

Oh- and don't forget the true neseccities of life... T-shirts showing your true devotion to the Charlie Daniel's band, and Johnny Cash (who wouldn't be complete without the ring of fire around of him of course).

And this is what first caught my eye of course... you know that lovely baking aisle in most Wal-Mart's that carries flour, spices, cheap tins.... that sort of stuff? I guess it didn't move all that well in Blackfoot.... so they traded it in for... get this... a BEER aisle.... Yup. The whole little standalone alisle was solid beer. SWEET!!!!

Well, to be honest. I really enjoyed my little stop because, well. It boosted my self esteem. It's not often I go in somewhere and i'm the most fashionable person in the Wal-Mart. It's quite the accomplishment I tell you... The sense of superiority, the sense of well being.... ah. This is the good life!!!

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