Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's ok Deborah...

I found out that my car needs some work done. I can't get the exact degree that I'd like to get. There's drama at work. I live in UTAH. My ten year reunion is in a few months. I'm single and 28. But you know what? It's gonna me BE OK. :D

With my life, I've recently chosen a mantra "makin' lemondaid". You see, it actually is more personal than you'd think- I used to work making lemonaid for Hot Dog on a Stick. So, I'm kinda a lemonaid snob. And trust me, i've been making LOTS of lemonaid recently. It's all you can do. Let the times roll on and just- stop being surprised when bad things come up, because, you know what? They will. And when they do, all you can do is pick yourself up- and keep going. Because the alternative is not feasible. I remind myself often that things could be worse. I could be in an abusive marriage, I could have cancer, I could be really ugly, I could still be living at home, I could have some horrid addiction... etc.

So here's to the lemonaid, and knowing that things will BE OK


kate said...

What a good attitude...I need to follow your example. The extra stress since Joseph was born has me yelling a bit too much. So next time a child comes and wants something I'll say 'sorry, I'm busy making lemonade"!

Deborah Athay said...

:) My lemonaid this week? The surprise work I need on my car. I failed safety and emissions... becuase me car isn't SAFE.. :P

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