Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wood Block Prints!! YES!!

I've had to write this blog three times because I'm trying to link to Gwyneth Paltrow's new newsletter. BUT it keep eating my words!! I go to post and 1/2 my blog is GONE!!! ARGH. Wheres the thanks for free advertising? I mean, COME ON!!! Anyway, i'm trying to post about this cool company I just found that does really cool prints. Not so excited about it the THIRD time around i'm typing this up. UGH!!! People- just google GOOP to find the newsletter, ok? I'm not linking it again, in fear it'll EAT my blog!!! :P

The print company is called "Hatch Show Print". It's WAY wicked cool. To be honest, I like the large wood block prints best- and they have some awesome monotoned animal prints that i TOTALLY covet. Here's a few of the ones I like the best!!! I entirely encourage people to go to their website and buy stuff!!! :D
I feel like all women "lost" on an island should look like this:
Who doesn't like DUCKS?? Don't they just look TOOO cute???
Um. Not a Patsy Cline fan. But this poster makes me want to look her up!

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