Tuesday, May 18, 2010


my last 7 days:

- I scheduled the cabin for July (YEAH! cabin time!)

- I was in a car accident (not too bad, but still not my fault)

- I helped a friend take engagement photos

- I helped a different friend wash blood from her hair (surgery)

- I've become more active at church (institute and FHE)

- I got a parking ticket ($25)

- I got cool new accessories for my bike (rear rack and bell)

- My roommate who I don't get along with is moving out

- My garden has started sprouting

- I"m working REALLY hard to give up pop. I <3 pop and am not that excited about giving it up. But it's tome for it to go...

....So pretty much I have LOTS going on, and it's about 50/50 good and bad stuff. I'm of mixed feelings about it all. Sigh. It could be worse. I could.. like have been injured in the car accident. I'm just antsy for a new adventure. Like.. moving or a boyfriend.. or somthing. Just something different.

At least it's spring and I get to be outside more. In the rain. In the sun. Under the leaves. On the hammock (oh, and I bought a hammock, and hung it up). Hopefully I'll host my first bonfire of the season soon. That should be pretty sweet. :)

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