Thursday, May 27, 2010


I'm thinking of doing the HGC diet. I'm asking for opinoins. I've heard both sides.. that it works and that it doesn't.

Basically i've been about the same weight since I was in highschool. What this is supposed to help do is reset your body's predetermined weight. Huh.

So.. please feel to comment in.


Carrie said...

I have a couple of friends that did the diet and they lost a ton of weight. I mean, what can you expect when you're only eating 500 calories a day. They looked fantastic at the end. I haven't seen them since we moved to ID, so I don't know if they've kept the weight off. But it did work for them.

Cyndie said...

I don't know if you've started, but if not DONT! I do weight watchers and there are a lot of people in my meeting who did it. It killed their metabolism (sp?). They said once they went off it and ate a normal (within their normal healthy calorie intake) diet, they gained it all back. Even doing weight watchers they gained weight until their metabolism kicked back into gear. I've lost nearly 30 lbs since february doing WW. I don't feel deprived, I can eat normal food (not packaged food like some diets) and it is so much healthier for you.

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