Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mission Accomplished

SOOOO.... there has been this photo floating around my family for over a decade now. Its of my two oldest sisters posing with a scantily clad actor at universal studios. We've all known about it and thought that it was HILARIOUS this entire time- we'll thanks to facebook it resurfaced. I thought it would be AMAZING to submit it to Awkward Family because I thought it would be worthy of the attention.. and you know what?? THEY AGREED!! it totally made it onto the website! LOL... GOOD TIMES. I did want to show me asking permission to send it in. (See above?). SO... i'm not in trouble for doing this... RIGHT?? RIGHT? Uh oh. (runs away and hides)....

My sisters are officially AWKWARD. LOVES IT. (look on on the July13th postings).

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