Monday, November 15, 2010

Brilliant. This is amazing. I love the clapping part. I really like the clapping part. I love the part where the rhythm just gets to you. My fav is where rhythms just get to ya. Another song that's like that is the "Drumming Song" from Florence and the Machine. I won't post more than one song at once though.

I really wonder what it is about rhythms that get to me. It may be because of my whole obsession with opposites thing. Most of life doesn't have a strong beat to it. Heck. Most people aren't strong. Its the decisive and strong nature of Rhythm that I feel just gets to ya.

I love strong things. I've often liked to be around people who others tell me are self centered or jerks. Not that I've ever told these people that others saw them like this. I wouldn't be surprised if others saw me like that. Whatev. Strongness is one of the most important elements in life. Its something I've strived to develop in my life. Which can come across poorly. But it sure does beat the other choice. Being weak.

Maybe that's why I like opposites- because I have to strive so hard to be able to balance myself. My two sides fighting against each other. Huh. Maybe. This could use some thinking on. maybe I should start doing Yoga again to balance this Yin and Yang.

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