Monday, November 29, 2010

So... to my faithful readers (not that I have any) you should have noticed that I've been posting more Dr. Who stuff recently. It's because I've been watching it again. third time through's a charm.. right??

For what it's worth I do go to class and go to the gym. I don't just watch all day. Just every night ;)

I am going home in a few weeks and I don't know what I'm going to do once I'm stuck at home for that long. Lol. I usually tend to just hand for weeks on end. It would help if I could get to the gym/ had my own car out there. But, alas, I won't. Maybe I'll grab a car late at night to get my gym time in. I mean, they won't need their cars after 8pm.. right?

Hopefully as well, the more humid climate will help me out. I always DIE every winter because it's so dang dry in Utah. I've done everything I can think of to try to escape this dryness. Hopefully a removal from the area will do the trick. :D

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