Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Totally valid.

Funny Food Photos - Deep Fry THIS!

I love food. Don't get me wrong. I love food for how delicious it can be. Not for how much I can shove in my mouth. Though there's times where that approach is appropriate. Like Thanksgiving. Or if you get offered real BBQ.

Hmmm... BBQ.. wait, what? Oh yeah. Blog about food. Right. (wipes drool off face)

Butter however is like... a golden blessing given us from God. It makes me happy. When I'm cooking, I don't use any oils almost at all. About every 6 months I'll use Olive oil or sesame oil for something. If a recipe calls for lard, I'll use soft butter. If it calls for veg oil- I use applesauce.

I'm sure my cooking has suffered somewhat- the proper texture can be hard to achieve without the proper oil/lard..but I think its worth it.

However, I will own that for my Pie Crust I totally use 1/2 butter and 1/2 lard. You don't mess with the pie crust. Do NOT go there. That's sacred.

Right now I have a yummy fall squash cooking with butter in it. I really don't know what else I'm going to do with it. After I'm done here I'll google something. If its good I'll post again with the recipe. If I don't post something... well then there was less than heaven happening in my kitchen.

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