Friday, December 3, 2010

Something I wrote while on the plane...

I can’t help thinking, as I fly above towns and cities, and peoples and cars… about how little they all look. Obviously this isn’t a new topic to think of.. but still. When I consider the value we give to.. say a house. A person scrimps and saves for their entire life to buy a house for.. say 300K to 400K and you know what?? It’s not that impressive. It’s a tiny little spot of land that they’ve dug into and poured their life out upon. And then their tied down. To that tiny patch. YES. It’s does give one a sense of Value.. a sense of THIS IS MINE. However….

I cannot help, but to think though about how it’s all meaningless. Looking down from my window in this plane I can see many, many houses.. well at this point I can see the lights of the little towns all bunched together. And to think that we would take one of those towns and value all the people and all their little lives and homes and cars… maybe 20 million dollars worth of stuff in that town. Which isn’t really all that much. And I may be being generous in that estimate. (I’m going over Texas right now, their little towns :P )

OBVIOUSLY the TRUE value of those little town is innumerable and incalculable. DUH. But still… when I think about the depression that happens and the stress that come from people stressing over their little concerns.. it just seems pointless. Because really, it doesn’t matter. Life is, in itself small and meaningless- which oddly- to me makes it more enjoyable. Because if life is small and meaningless then I am released from the stress and pressures that I may have otherwise felt. It’s freeing to know of my smallness. People don’t care what I say or do. I don’t matter. People are too worried about themselves to have me be apart of their concerns.

This is SERIOUSLY isn’t a shout out for attention. It’s an affirmation of freedom from others. I’ve spent a lot of my life thinking and worrying about other people. Now I don’t have to. I can just… be. And once I land- I’ll be another one of the Ants. Stuck in traffic. Inching along.. and worrying about getting to my destination on time. When really- there are thousands of flights all zooming above me, carrying people who are the giants of their time. We’ve all had our turn to be giants- the above viewers. This power we gain temporarily does help one to gain insight.

I am glad however that I am not tied down. I have yet to gain MY patch of land. Yet another freedom I guess that I’ve held onto. The thought of being one of the Ants is terrifying to me. Many, many people go through their lives and never really impart others. I don’t want to be one of them. I guess having a blog is a start. I’m out there.

I just had an epiphany. I’m totally thinking along the lines of my sociological degree. Lol. It’s a specific theory as well- the systems theory. Where you see life zoomed out and all the cities and people as cogs in a giant system. For example- think of a large interconnected computer system with line connecting different hubs of networks. Like that. The health of it all depends on how the rest of it is doing.

One of my teachers once told my class that each of us who studied sociology would eventually choose a theory that we really believed in. I guess I’ve settled on mine then. Ha. It’s kind of funny though- I don’t really want to get my masters in Sociology- BUT I seriously keep thinking of papers I could write or issues I would want to explore further. Like the X factor in everyone’s life. People ALWAYS develop an X factor in their life that gives them meaning- like religion or sexuality- or sports… etc. I’ve even met people who had Disney as theirs…. I could totally interview people and work and write a paper.. or heck. Even write a book on that. And I WOULD. But who would give credit to a person with just a Bachelors? Sigh.

Anyway. This is a super long post. I had better end. Kudos to those who are still reading. And double Kudos to those who were able to follow my thought process. I know I tend to wander. ANYWAY. Here- I’ll post a cool video to reward those who made it that far. And to those to just skipped to the video without earning it- shame on you. Shame. On. You.

1 comment:

Emilie May said...

Are you calling me an ant? And I only have 3/4ths of a degree... I'm so offended by this post. No, I'm not. Nice thoughts. We should probably all keep them in mind as we mingle with other ants. Keep it all in perspective. The Deborah perspective.

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