Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I just heard this song on the radio. I thought it was lovely and had a good message. I couldn't find a official video- rather the one I found said it couldn't work in America.. hmm. If you go here you'll find his myspace site that has the video at it and some more stuff about him.

I liked the song because it seemed like a nice blend of pop and R&B. I think that's happening more often. It's nice, it sounds good and it makes the listener feel like their deeper than a piece of wonder bread. Like they've graduated to... potato bread. But not yet ready for hearty wheat.

The actual musicality and quality of music is becoming more and more important to the fans- so the artists are making a better effort. Though how much of this is them personally being talented and how much is the hired blenders and mix masters, I don't know. Anyway, have a go. Listen a little and comment to say what you think!! Or don't comment and just quietly stalk my site. Either way works.

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