Saturday, December 11, 2010

And so my week ends. I’ve spent the last week trekking all over Disney with my sister and her children. It was AMAZING. However- I’m not going to lie… there were times that I thought that my feet were going to fall off. Note to self- when I go back take some runners, instead of converse. Ha.

You’d think that as a former Disney Cast member that I would have known better. Really. I spent 6 month being a slave for the Mouse. I guess I’ve forgotten the lessons that I’ve learned previously much easily than I’d have thought.

It’s pretty funny though- being at MY park- (MGM) – it felt like home. I really just wanted to go to the Big Hat and hang out. I enjoyed just BEING at Disney again. Maybe I should just go back and work for them again. But that’s kinda hard though because it brings up my previous problem- of wanting to be around family so I’m not so out of the loop. Not that I want to live in Portland again- but I’m tired of Utah. Ready to be among adults again. Yes you heard me. No, I’m not going to apologize for dis’ing on Utah.

However, in speaking of places where I’d live-or not live. I can now safely say that I’ll never live in Mississippi or Alabama. My trip to Disney involved a road trip across the South. WOW. What a desolate location of nothingness. WE drove for an hour without passing any food/gas/bathrooms. Weird. I guess it was more of a lesson in that- I’m a City Girl. I NEED my city. Also- apparently there no Chinese or Hispanic restaurants in the South. BBQ? YES. Other foods? NO. I CANNOT handle that. I need my diversity.

You may think that I’m being overly pessimistic here, in dissing so many places. Hardly. I’ve just been doing well on narrowing down where I’d like to live. YES. I know I need to be willing to live in a place that has a job for me and not limit myself to the more desire able places. But lets be honest. I’m a snob. I want to LOVE the place I live in. Not just exist there. I think everyone has that right. And everyone is different. So it’s GREAT that there's so many different places, so we can all be happy. RIGHT?? Anyway. Disney was amazing. I'll post pics. I survived. I just wish that Disney had been like Beijing where there were easily available foot massage places. That would have been cool. Yeah;. Disney with foot messages. MUCH BETTER. :D

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