Monday, January 24, 2011

NO whites allowed!!..... in my diet.

So... I totally yanked the below info from this website. My doctor said I needed to go low carb and avoid white food. Sweet. Good bye good tasting food!! Ha. I need to find out about yogurt though. I don't want to give up my yogurt. :)

Foods to Avoid

* white potatoes
* white pasta
* white rice
* white bread
* anything made with white flour
* white sugar
* white beans

Foods to Choose

* whole wheat pasta
* brown rice
* full grain breads
* green leafy vegetables
* yams
* colorful vegetables
* Fruit

Of course with anything there are some exceptions. Cauliflower and parsnips are white, but are allowed

No White Foods Essentials
The simplicity of this plan lies in food choice. Dieters avoid all white, plant based foods which are usually extremely high in starch and instead choose more colorful, nutritious foods for their meals. No White Foods isn't a low carb diet, but fundamentally it is trading high glycemic index foods for low glycemic index foods.

Dieters can take can take this one step further by limiting white fats from their diet such as butter and cheddar cheese which are white before food colorings are added.

However, there still is the issue of portion control. Three serves of whole wheat pasta, sauces made with a lot of oil and a 12oz steak isn't exactly going to help anyone lose weight. People with portion control issues still might struggle with this plan and may need other resources to help them determine how much of each food is acceptable.


The No White Foods Diet is a new take on low glycemic diets that shun nutrient-less, high starch and high sugar foods that are well, white. Just as it sounds, while on this diet you simply eliminate all white foods, most notably white sugar and flour, which have been shown to send your blood sugar levels into a frenzy and your hips widening.

There are just a few exceptions to this rule, egg whites cauliflower, parsnips, milk, lean poultry and white fish are allowed. White plant-based foods like potatoes and white beans are also no-nos. You then replace those foods with their colorful and far more nutritious counterparts such as vibrant veggies, sweet fruits and nutty whole grains.

The No White Foods Diet also requests that you limit white solid fats from your diet such as butter and cheddar cheese. These foods are white before food coloring is added to them.

Foods rich in white starches are refined and have the highest glycemic index. The short-term effect of these types of foods is that they make you retain weight and pounds, especially around the midsection. Over the long-term, they can cause an insulin deficiency that leads to diabetes

Read more: No White Foods Diet - Diet Review


Sara said...

Since milk is an exception, I would think that low-fat milk products would also be exceptions: i.e. yogurt. Thoughts?

Sara said...

Also, how do you feel about "dieters can take this one a step further" giving up butter and cheese? I like my butter. And my cheese. I suppose I can give them up. I just don't want to. However, if this is the step you are taking, I will also. I think it'll be easier for both of us if we can support each other.

Dana Elizabeth said...

I think non fat yogurt would be acceptable. as long as it is a natural yogurt thats not high in sugar.

Also swiss cheese is a good alternative so you dont have to give up cheese all together.

Good LUCK! Right about now veggies are the most delicious tasting food all colorful during this dark winter.

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