Allow me to introduce, and present to the world- an evil cat. It's name is Stormy... though it goes simply as It to me. It has quite the habit of marking its territory... in that viscious way that only cats have. In fact, we had to throw out a couch this very night as it had been repeatedly desecrated by the very villiam to the left... numerous times. Don't be fooled by Its appearant idoicy.. there beneath Its vile stare lies the heart of a villian. I have to watch my very own goods like a hawk because of fear of It. It is even forbidden from my room- and from my presence. I would have to firmly that this war was started by It. Here I was nicely moving in- when the sneak goes into my room while I was out- and pees all over the place. I come home late and climb into bed... only to discover.. a... wet... bed. Hence the Evilness had begun.

Not only are we blessed with the presence of a Evil Cat... but we currently have a mess of ugly birds within our living room. I'm firmly aware that they will grow into cute hens that will feed us yummy eggs... but their ugly... and they smell :( They had begun their life extremely little and cute... but they are quite the ugly Adolencents...
Those are some ugly birds. Ahh, but remember the ugly duckling and take heart, soon they will be somewhat cute birds, but they will still smell bad.
As for the cat, I have found recently that my water bottle works quite on my kids and people I don't want to talk to. You might consider this....
You've just reaffirmed exactly why I refuse to get a dog! I have enough poop and pee to clean up with out a pet!
These animals don't exactly creates a mess... however our landlord- when he visits he creates a HUGE mess.
That is a very evil looking cat. And those birds are 9 kinds of ugly. But back to the cat. It's expression is not unlike your kindergarten picture. You know, the one where you have the uber-mischievious grin that says, "I am about to do something sneaky and there is nothing you can do about it. Bwa hahaha!"
The sad thing is that I haven't outgrown that look....
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