Awesome!! Awesome!! Awesome!!
What else can I say about this past weekend? It involved food, horse drawn rides, lavender mazes and JOUSTING...

Wait a sec.... did I say JOUSTING??? I surely did. Aparently the owner of this corportion is really into jousting and centers his companies yearly Lavender Days around JOUSTING.....
Check this action out...

Check this guy out.. He's ready to go!!!

I know. its about as Awesome as it gets.. and I'd have to admit that I might have become a Jousting junkie... freaking AWESOME!! This has got to be about the coolest thing I have EVER done/ gone to.
Here's some other highlights...
I was jus thinking to my self that I needed to meet a wench and a chubby cowboy... oh buy did that goal ever get fulfilled!!! Score!!

Sarah in a Lavender Labrinth....
I'm waiting to see Debbie in all her glorious Renaissance fabrics! When, Deb, when can I see that?!
Oh- I have a costume somewhere... you never know, I could just show up... in all my glory :)
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