My roomates are extrememly upset about being apart of my blog.. and so I shall from now on call them..... hmm.... It could be thing one and thing two... or perhaps Spacey and Runney... or even... I don't know...I'll probably wait until a new set of names grows on me :P
Right now- we just returned from FHE (non-mormon friend... just google it, family home evening). I've been called to be a FHE leader... so I have to go now... Its the biggest joke to my roomies as I'm generally the hardest person to get them to go. The one to the lef thas even threated me with pictures of crying baby Jesus.
Though, when we're there- theres a time limit for how long they want to stay... after about ten min of refreshemnts their ready to go!! SO we have devised a gang sign to signal our readiness to go!! The one to the left is modeling this lovely sign for us.... its stands for the Farm House Gang (more on my house later).
Today, i was having a lovely visit with another person- Elizabeth- when they apprear across the kitchen island from us... do these weird moves. The one to the right, is dancing and the one to the left is rubbing her hand across her face repeatedly... I'd forgotten the signs!! it wasn't for a min or two that I loudly declared- "oh! you want to leave" and they both looked daggers at me. I started to explain to Elizabeth what was going on- when they grabbed my and we left... leaving the house they explained to me at length that this was our secret... and I was never to tell anyone.. of course the first thing I did when I got home was to blog about it :) Hey- if you guys didn't want me to talk about it- why did you pose for it in a pic???
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