Hmm... I have decided to enter into the world of Blogging. Not with any real intent, or purpose, but mainly becuase its seems its the "thing" to do right now. As in- all the cool kids are doing it. Man I give into peer presure easily. :)
Jessica had her babies today. Sad day!! She and Justin choose not to name their daughters Jacille and Juanqua as I'd hope :( But yeah for babies!! Congrats, and looking forward to seeing pics of your babies.
For those of you, a little unfamiliar with where i'm at... I work at DishOne Satellite as an Inventory Manager. I get to count and buy dishnetwork satellite product ALL DAY LONG. I know, your jealous of my incredibly exciting life. I live in Utah with two amazing roomies who are great at getting me to go out of my comfort zone (like slot canyon'ering in Zions, more on this another time). But here's a preview: (See pic of flowers/cactus).
Well... thats about it for now. I'll post more when I get it!!
Good to hear from you Debbie--glad you're doing the blog thing.
Jessica had twins?? Congrats to her!! I remember you telling me she was pregnant, didn't know it was with 2. They must be thrilled.
Make sure you keep your blog up to date. If you don't, I'll have to harass you. :)
you know all the cool kids are facebooking
but I like the new blogg
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