Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Scary Kitties

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I know that this pic is just a joke.... BUT.. seriously. Are cats the next step in taking over the world?? I mean.. are they developing into a sentient race that will continue to co-exist here on earth??

Part of whats getting to me is a certain Dr. Who episode where there were these killer cat nuns. Seriously. Cat Nuns. Here's a pic to show you. Its pretty special.

Yeah. I said it was special. Its interesting to see how the show very much would attach itself to something... real. And twist it. And we'd enjoy it because, it strikes it self to us as real. As possible. I mean- look at that top photo. What would happen if cats had vocal chords that could talk? I mean... how smart are cats already? Whats the stretch from where they are today- and Dr. Who's killer kitty nuns???

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