Saturday, October 23, 2010

This is special...

I've discovered what my "MO" is concerning guys. Apparently I'm REALLY into tall skinny dark haired- guys. I've always thought that I was into guys with curly hair... but after a reflection on things.. yeah. I've discovered a pattern here.

1) It all came to me last night as I went to a Matt Costa concert (which was amazing). After the concert he came out and was signing autographs for the fans. I TOTALLY ran to the stuff booth and bought a CD for him to sign. As I'm standing there, in his presence, I turn into the biggest idiot. Instead of saying something momentous- or kind- I start babbling like a idiot.. something like... "loved the show".

2) I've QUICKLY become obsessed with Dr. Who. Specifically- the David Tennant version. I mean how HAWT is he? Oh my goodness. He just seems to work well on so many levels- and he's legit. A real actor and a nice guy :)

3) The last guy I knew - as in, in person knew (not a celebrity :) ) who I was actually obsessed with- well, I'm not going to name him, but he was tall dark and handsome (too bad he married someone else, eh?). Anyway- I also would turn into a babbling idiot when talking to him. It was super awkward. SUPER.

4) Richard Armitage- whose playing Thorin Oakenshield in the new Hobbit- well, I was reading up on him last night BECAUSE of the new Hobbit casting- and so I was reminded of how AMAZINGLY hot he is. (side note- if you haven't seen North and South- WATCH IT NOW) He;s not super skinny- but he does have the whole Dark Haired and Tall thing.'

Point is.. sigh. I need me a tall dark and handsome man. LOL And it's always better to know and understand your motivations. Yup.


Jessica @ Paint In My Hair said...

Note taken. Will begin hunting for person of previous description ASAP. Will notify when target is sighted.

Deborah Athay said...

Good job. Let me know. :)

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