Tuesday, October 5, 2010

UN official denies she has role representing Earth - World news - Europe - msnbc.com

UN official denies she has role representing Earth - World news - Europe - msnbc.com

I absolutely LOVE this article. First the UN announces that they've appointed someone to be the head of their space program- then they have to clarify that she's not the World Ambassador to Outer Space. Liars. We all know whats up. Theres aliens. Admit it. Come on, you know you wanna... because if theres aliens then theres a chance that.... Dr. Who is real.

I have been UTTERLY obsessed with Dr. Who recently (yes, I"m aware that I'm like the last person to discover the show, get off my back) but anyway- I feel better knowing that this nice lady will be there standing in the way when the Daleks attack. What are Daleks you ask? Their these little crafty creatures:

Daleks are like... the WORST aliens out there. No emotions, No Sympathy.. etc. Just little killing jerks. If one shows up- your dead. BAM.

And anyway- i really think that if Dr. Who was real.. it would make my day since I'm obsessed with the main character... OK. Specifically the actor (David Tennant) who was the previous Dr..... Sigh. I think I'm going to go online and buy HAMLET, since he stars in it. I mean, I have NO desire to watch Hamlet. Just a desire to try to get my Dr. Who fix somewhere since he's off the show now. Sigh.

Please don't confuse this for a WEIRD obsession. It's just a normal- isn't he great type of obsession. Which is weird since I don't normally do those. Didn't obsess over the popular kids in school- I never cared who was student body president in college... etc. But... theres just something about his strut... lol.

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